Exhibition Date | December 27 (Friday), 2024 to January 28 (Tuesday), 2025 |
Venue | Keio Plaza Hotel, 3rd Floor Lobby area of our Main Building |
Admission Fee | Complimentary |
Contact Information | +81-3-3344-0111 |
This exhibition is held in cooperation with “The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Sword Culture” (NBSK,https://nbsk-jp.org/english) and will provide visitors with various information about the 680 year history of Japanese samurai swords and military items, including the samurai culture’s contributions to the Japanese sense of aesthetic beauty. Japanese swords are growing in popularity around the world not only because of their aesthetic beauty and cultural relevance, but also for the extremely durable and lightweight nature of their highly unique forged steel composition, which is made by using the highest quality forged steel manufacturing techniques in the world.
A collaborative exhibition displaying numerous famous swords and a flower arrangement made by the renowned flower artist Tenkei Nomura to help ring in the New Year by warding off bad luck.
680 Year History of Japanese Swords from the Northern and Southern Courts Period (Nanboku-Cho Period, 1336 to 1573) to Today
Japanese swords of various manufacturing methods and created to match various fighting styles of the Samurai warriors who used them from the Nanboku-Cho Period to today will be displayed.
Comprehensive Art of Swords Born from the Four Seasons and Character of Japan
The embroidered handles, sword guards, and other parts of swords made by using engraving, lacquer, inlaying, woodworking and other highly specialized techniques will be on display. ※ Some of the items on display will be available for purchase.
The Art and Beauty of Swords Reflected in “Oshikata” Paper Carbon Copy of Swords
“Oshikata”, which is the art of making carbon copies of the contours and scriptures of Japanese swords onto paper as a unique Japanese artform to reflect the beauty and love of Japanese swords, will also be displayed.
An exhibition of Japanese “Ukiyoe” woodblock prints depicting swords will be on display in the lobby area in front of our Main Bar “Brillant”.
From January 2025, the Keio Plaza Hotel will conduct a live Japanese sword performance called “Iaijutsu” as a symbolic ritual to ward off negative events in the New Year. This performance will show visitors traditional movements using Japanese swords. Japanese swordsmiths’ manufacture of swords was sublimated to become a nouveau artform along with the abolition of the use and carrying of Samurai swords from the Meiji Period (1868 to 1912). And we invite everyone to come visit the “Soul and Beauty of Japanese Swords and Military Armor Exhibition” to see and experience the historical romance of this traditional Japanese craft, artform and culture.
Special Event ② Sword Sharpening Demonstration
Venue: 3rd Floor Lobby of the Main Tower
Dates: January 5 (Sun), 11 (Sat)、18 (Sat)、25 (Sat)
Times: From 10:00AM to 16:00PM
Fee: Complimentary
The goal of The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Sword Culture is to promote an understanding and interest for Japanese swords. The Society creates opportunities to experience Japanese swords and their tradition at exhibitions of various Japanese swords and sword making techniques.
The Society also hosts workshops of various swordsmiths to demonstrate the traditional sword making techniques to the public. Another important role of The Society is to issue “Certificates of Authenticity” for modern Japanese swords, and it will continue to pass on the Japanese sword culture to people not only in Japan but also from around the world.
The Society for the Promotion of Japanese Sword Culture website:https://nbsk-jp.org/english/